If you've been following my blog, you'll know that I was the first Comcast TiVo customer in the Boston Area. I wanted to give Comcast a shot. It was problematic.
One of the biggest problems is that it does not give you ANY indication of how musch space is left to record new shows. Recently I've been deleting unwatched shows to make room for new recordings. Not good.
It wold be nice if Comcast allowed us to add external storage. But they do not.
So I got a new TiVo HD and installed it tonight in anticipation of the new Panasonic TV being installed tomorrow.
In this photo you can see I hooked up the Comcast cable, HDMI video out, right and left audio out, WiFi USB connection and the poer cable.
The TiVo USB WiFi adapter is one of the nicest consumer products I've ever seen.
I hooked it up and turned on the TiVo.
The actual TiVo remote is nicer than the Comcast TiVo remote.
The way you set things up is that you install the TiVo without the Cable card and then the Comcast installer comes in ansd installs the Cable Card.
The TiVo HD only needs ONE Multi-STREAM CableCARD to allow dual tuner features.
The CableCARD goes into the TiVo and not into the TV.
In the set up process the TiVO askes what channel I get on Ch 6.
Ha! That just changed around. Correct answer NECN.
So now everything is set for the install.
I also took some time to install the TiVo Desktop aplication on my Mac. Now I can stream Photos and Music from my Mac to my Tivo. Very cool.
Next up from twitter friend @magnify "Now that you've got Tivo Desktop, you can go all the way!!! Jailbreak: http://alwayson.goingon.com/permalink/post/31541"
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